Fundraising, Events and Giving
Supporting Age UK Suffolk

Age UK Suffolk

Improving the lives of older people across Suffolk

Age UK Suffolk is a local, independent charity, working with and for older people in Suffolk, ensuring that where needed, people have access to vital and sometimes lifechanging services and support to make a difference to them in later life.


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About Age UK Suffolk

Everything that we do is centred around improving the lives of older people across Suffolk: • offering free, confidential & impartial help • a helping hand at home • friendship to combat loneliness • time out of the house for those living with memory problems It costs around £2 million each to deliver vital services and support, including Information & Advice, Befriending, Community Links, Home Help and The Chilton Club. As an organisation, we do not receive any statutory funding which means that we rely on the support of local businesses, community groups and individuals to support our work, as well as organising our own events to raise awareness of the importance of what we do. Every penny that we raise in Suffolk, stays in Suffolk.